Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Foreign travel made easier with prepaid cards

Imagine being stranded in a foreign land without enough cash on a holiday or business trip.

As per the Reserve Bank of India guidelines, a tourist can carry foreign exchange up to $10,000 per fiscal, of which only $3,000 can be carried in the form of foreign currency notes and coins.

For the rest, one has to resort to traveller’s cheques or banker’s draft. What if the cheque or draft was misplaced or stolen, or got stuck in baggage that was delayed?

Enter banks such as Axis, ICICI, HDFC and travel agencies such as Thomas Cook, Akbar, Cox & Kings and SOTC with prepaid travel cards, meant exclusively for tourists going abroad or vice versa.

Prepaid travel cards are available in different currencies and can be bought even on the day of travel. The exchange rate for a particular currency is based on what is prevalent on the day the card is loaded.

Though one can get multiple travel cards for different currencies, only one card will be issued for a single currency. One can load up to $7,000 on such cards and carry up to $3,000 in notes and coins.

“We are proud to have introduced this unique payment solution for foreign nationals and NRIs visiting India,” said P Mukherjee, president - treasury and international banking, Axis bank.

Mahesh Iyer, vice-president - foreign exchange, Thomas Cook India, said, “We launched our Smart Forex Prepaid Card in 2009, which is useful to travellers, as any misuse of this card doesn’t give access to the person’s entire bank account, unlike a debit card. And, if the card is lost, we can issue a fresh pin number immediately.”

There are three types of prepaid cards —- closed-ended, semi-closed and open-ended.

-Closed-ended prepaid cards are used for payments meant for a single purpose. For example, the card will be issued to the holder to make payments towards DTH TV bills.

-Semi-closed prepaid cards are available in physical and virtual forms. A physical card is like a normal debit or credit card and has an account number and password.

A virtual card only has an account number and password and can be used for online payments.

-Open-ended cards combine foreign exchange, travel and gift cards. These cards are issued by banks, travelling agencies and are accepted by all current point of sale (POS) terminals.

The advantages of these cards are many:
Safe and secure: If the card is lost/misused, one can block the card immediately. Banks such as ICICI offer two cards —- an active card and a deactivated card. If the active card is lost, youcan call the bank, activate the second card and use it to withdraw the entire amount.

Protection against fraud: Prepaid cards are less prone to fraud as they have a high level security against magnetic strip cards. These cards use advanced technology with an embedded chip to store all confidential information.

Easy reload: Prepaid cards can be reloaded easily when the money is exhausted when you are travelling. If it is a corporate card, the company takes care of the formalities for the card to be reloaded. If it is a personal card, one can ask a family member to reload the card, provided the legal formalities have been taken care of before travel. “If a traveller exhausts the amount on a card, we can help the person reload the card within two hours,” said Iyer of Thomas Cook.

Economical: Usually, all debit and credit cards charge a mark-up percentage plus service tax on any type of cross currency transaction that is made from a foreign country. The mark-up charge is as high as 3.5% with additional service tax of roughly 0.4%.

So one ends up paying close to 3.9% on every transaction made through a card. This includes transactions such as making payments or cash withdrawals. Additionally, one has to pay according to the foreign exchange rate prevailing on that day.

“A prepaid card is convenient as one doesn’t have to pay any mark-up charges on some transactions unlike a debit or credit card,” said Vijay Kesavan, CEO of Akbar

“Prepaid cards usually charge extra only on ATM cash withdrawals. The charges vary depending on the bank or travel agency,” said Iyer of Thomas Cook.

Better than traveller’s cheques: Prepaid cards have an edge over traveller’s checks as well. Traveller’s cheques have to be exchanged for a required currency before they can be used for a financial transaction and very often can be exchanged only during banking hours.

“If you want money urgently and you visit a money changer after banking hours, it is possible they may charge you a 1-1.5% over and above your normal transaction,” said an ICICI Bank official, requesting anonymity.

Moreover, to exchange traveller’s checks, one has to show documents for identification. And since these checks have to be exchanged against the local currency of a country, they are not accepted at any POS terminals unlike prepaid cards.

Protection against fluctuating exchange rates: Prepaid cards carry the exchange rate that was prevalent on the day the card was loaded. Hence, it offers protection against fluctuating exchange rates while making purchases

WORLD FOREX: Euro Pares Gains Made After Hawkish ECB Comments

TOKYO (Dow Jones)--The euro fell slightly against the dollar in Asian trading Friday, trimming sharp gains made Thursday after hawkish comments from the European Central Bank, as some traders took profits on the view that the ECB won't embark on a sustained series of tightening measures to head off inflation pressures.

Profit-taking interest for the euro stayed intact at $1.3980 and above, while a growing view that the ECB will raise its key interest rate as early as in April has given a firm floor to the single currency.

At a news conference on Thursday after the ECB left its key interest rates unchanged, ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet vowed "strong vigilance" on inflation and said a rate hike next month is "not certain but possible." But he added that such a move wouldn't be "the start of a series of rate-hike increases."

"It has became clear that the ECB will shift away from its easy monetary policy faster than its U.S. counterpart," said Yoshio Yoshida, a trader at Mizuho Trust and Banking in Tokyo. "But I am not sure about how fast the ECB will tighten its credit in a row".

"It would take time for the U.S. Federal Reserve to end its present quantitative credit easing as it needs to examine a series of economic indicators until June," he added.

Daisuke Uno, chief strategist at Sumitomo Mitsui Bank said "the market was caught off guard," about the possibility of a rate increase in April, which has lifted the pair's resistance to 1.4300 from around 1.3800 before Trichet's comments. Uno said that whether the ECB will keep tightening credit could largely depend on the sustainability of the global economy and oil price movements.

At 0450 GMT, the euro was $1.3955 against $1.3967 late Thursday in New York, according to EBS via CQG. The dollar was at Y82.34 from Y82.44, while the euro was Y114.91 from Y115.07.

The dollar was trapped in a tight range against the yen, with the upside capped at Y82.50 due to selling interest from Japanese exporters ahead of their fiscal book-closing at the end of March, while the downside was solid at Y82.00, traders said.

Trade will likely be thin ahead of U.S. jobs data due out at 1330 GMT. Non-farm payrolls are expected to increase 200,000 in February from a month earlier after a gain of 36,000 in January, according to the median forecast of economist surveyed by Dow Jones Newswires. The unemployment rate is seen at 9.1%, compared with 9.0% in the previous month.

Uno said the downside risk for the dollar against the yen lurks after the release of the U.S. jobs data, since the market has been overly optimistic about the direction of the U.S. economy.

The ICE Dollar Index, which tracks the U.S. dollar against a trade-weighted basket of currencies, was at 76.671 from 76.463.

Mangalore Chem.: Nutrition doesn't reach profit level

Such forex gains or losses are extraordinary in nature, in the sense that the outcome cannot be predicted, and have no real bearing on the operating efficiency of the unit. What is more, in the preceding year the company also sold/provided for diminution in value of its fertilizer bonds and took another whack of Rs 356 m, against a write off on this count of Rs 43 m in the latter year. The book value of the bonds is shown as Rs 1.5 bn in the preceding year end, and booking a loss of Rs 400 m on this book value is not small change. (In the process however the company reduced debt at year end to Rs 982 m from Rs 4 bn in the preceding year.) This is another extraordinary item in the sense that it is not of a recurring nature. In other words taking into account both these debits, the company was out of pocket to the tune of Rs 1.1 bn in FY09. The company also separately books losses on assets sold or discarded (the assets are apparently of vintage value), but then, this is a separate issue.

If these extraordinary costs/ gains on account of forex and sales of fertilizer bonds are neutered from the expense side of the P&L account for either year, then one will end up with the ridiculous situation of the company actually recording a substantially higher pre-tax profit of Rs 1.5 bn in FY09, against a pretax profit of Rs 571 m in FY10. This is absurd. On the one hand we have the management crowing about record production, record volume sales, and record profits etc, and add to this the large imports of finished stocks for resale, and the company actually makes less money in the bargain. This is a no brainer. (Granted that managements perforce have to present the sunny side of an enterprise, but that does not mean going overboard in the process.)

Complex accounting exercise

Even the accounting for its expenses etc appears to be a complex exercise. One schedule says that the CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) value of its raw material imports is Rs 3.9 bn, while another schedule says the value of imported raw materials is Rs 9.1 bn. How can there such a big difference in the two figures. (For the preceding year the figures are Rs 8.1 bn and Rs 13.3 bn.) There appears to be some mismatch in the finished goods import schedules too. And, from the cash flow that it has generated, the management has been kind enough to spend a little over Rs 1 bn in the last two years in replenishing the gross block. It has however not led to any visible increase in its operational efficiencies for sure.

Since it is de-rigueur for corporate houses to boast a few subsidiaries, MCF too has an offshoot sporting the name, MCF International, with a paid up capital base of Rs 500,000. Not surprisingly it is making heavy weather. From the sketchy details that the company has provided, this sibling has made a loss before taxation of Rs 28 m on a turnover of Rs 121 m in FY10. The after tax loss is slightly more lustrous at Rs 29 m. The quantum of its negative net worth is however not stated. And it had total liabilities of Rs 25 m. The latter figure is a bit puzzling because as per the parent's annual report, the total outstanding at year end from the sibling, being loans advanced to it, was Rs 79 m (Rs 12 m). This loan element does not appear to feature as a liability in the minimal details of the accounts furnished by the sibling.

All in all it is another insipid performance.


This column "Cool Hand Luke" is written by Luke Verghese. Luke has been a business journalist, financial analyst and knowledge management head with a professional experience of more than 20 years. An avid watcher of the stock market, he has written extensively on stock market trends. His articles have featured in Business Standard, Financial Express and Fortune India amongst others. He has also been the Deputy Editor, Fortune India and the Financial Editor of The Business and Political Observer.

The views mentioned above are of the author only. Data and charts, if used, in the article have been sourced from available information and have not been authenticated by any statutory authority. The author and Equitymaster do not claim it to be accurate nor accept any responsibility for the same. The views constitute only the opinions and do not constitute any guidelines or recommendation on any course of action to be followed by the reader. Please read the detailed Terms of Use of the
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